
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

News for Fall 2010

Hi everyone. I just finished  updating and arranging this website and that feels great.
This year I started an Artist Diploma Degree at UMKC under Benny Kim. He's a very nice musician and I'm really excited to work with him for the next 2 years.
Since August I'm also part of GSQ - the UMKC Graduate String Quartet together with Alice, Shih-Sun and Trisha. Great people, having lots of fun playing great music. We're coached by prof. Enyeart who is also a very fine musician. What can I say.... only good impressions about everybody :)
In the news, there is also a performance which will happen in the middle of October in Paris at the Norwegian Embassy and the biggest news of all, the arrival of our first baby in November. Victoria, my beautiful wife, the lovely pianist that you can see in the first photo and I are really excited about Vivienne as we will call her.
As you might know, photography is my next big passion to music. So, you can always visit my other outlet of creativity